What Is a Home Equity Loan and Should You Get One?

alex • May 12, 2022

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What is a home equity loan and who would benefit most from getting one? Read this guide to learn about the terms, average costs, and financing options.

what is a home equity loan

Do you need to borrow money?

Over 50% of Americans take out a loan in their lifetime. Not all of them borrow wisely, and this can cost them in the future. If you own a home, then you may qualify to borrow against its equity. What is a home equity loan?

Read on to learn more details about this type of loan.

Home Equity Loan Requirements

Do you qualify for a home equity loan?

In order to borrow money in this way, you must own your home. But this does not suffice on its own.

Homeowners must put money into their homes before they can borrow any. This means a home equity loan requires you to have made a number of on-time payments already made.

You must carry a fair credit score or better, so they know that you pay back your debts. Check your debt to income ratio to see if you qualify with a 43% or higher.

What Is a Home Equity Loan?

Congratulations on meeting the requirements! Now, what are home equity loans?

Also known as a second mortgage, this type of loan allows you to borrow money backed by the equity of your home. You can borrow a large percentage of what you already put into your property. The more you've paid. in, the more you can take out.

Home Equity Loan Advantages

Some loans take a long time to receive. You can typically get your home equity loan fairly quickly.

A home equity loan usually comes with a fixed interest rate, so it will not raise on you during times of inflation. This type of loan offers a low-interest rate so you do not pay back too much more than what you borrowed.

Loan repayment plans can typically get stretched. Many people pay off these loans over a long time.

Home Equity Loan Disadvantages

This sounds amazing! What's the catch?

The money you borrow turns your property into collateral. This means that your home could go into foreclosure if you fail to pay on this loan.

New homeowners do not qualify for this type of loan since it requires a substantial amount of equity before you can take anything out. It also includes people with a low credit score.

If you decide to sell your home, it can put you in a tricky position. You. must pay off the entirety of the loan at the point of sale.

Who Needs One?

Often people take out home equity loans to increase the value of their property with home improvement projects. Others use it for family vacations or other ventures.

Sometimes, people fall on hard times and need their home equity for financial emergencies. You might also consider taking out a home equity loan or a home equity line of credit to help you refinance your mortgage.

Borrow Better in Los Gatos

Do not borrow just any type of money. Research your options and choose the loan that best suits your situation.

What is a home equity loan? It is an opportunity to improve your life as a reward for paying off your mortgage.

We want to help you take out an appropriate loan with the best interest rates possible. Use our mortgage calculator to estimate your payments.

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